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LAPOA Board Election

2023 LAPOA Board Elections

Please click on the buttons below to access the 2023 voting Information and the final vote.  Thank you for your participation.

 ELECTION PROCEDURES   *must be logged into the website

 2023 LAPOA FINAL ELECTION RESULTS   *no log in required

  2023 Candidates

From Nominating Committee
RE: 2023 LAPOA Board of Directors Candidates

The Nominating Committee would like to thank everyone who particiated in the 2023 election, either as a candidate, voter or elections volunteer.  The election has been finalized and certified per the LAPOA by-laws and the detailed results are available by clicking the above link. The ELECTION PROCEDURES are also availble by clicking the above link and logging in, or by registering as a property owner on this website under OWNERS LOGIN.

Below are the final candidates that appeared on this year’s LAPOA Board Official ballot. We thank each of them for their willingness to dedicate the time to work towaards the continued betterement of our community. Those elected are indicated by an asterisk (*).

Jay Caldwell - *
Becky Hernandez
Jeanne Schwartz - *
Steve Thoma - *
Bob Weatherford - *

Three (3) of the positions will be for a term of two (2) years and one (1) of the positions will serve for a one (1) year term to finish the term of a resignee. The 2024 election will have four (4) regularly scheduled elected positions.

Please direct any questions to the email listed below:

Nominations & Elections Committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Board would like to thank the Nominations & Elections Committee members for their dedication and thorough work through this election process.